Monday, April 18, 2016

Feminism, Masculinity & The Awakening

Today you will split into groups to investigate various excerpts and issues surrounding the different feminist movements. There is no one feminism but a variety of ways that men and women have talked about women's rights over the last several decades.

Directions: As you read your assigned materials, take notes. Pull out 2-3 quotes from each source that you feel are essential for understanding that source. Write down connections to "The Awakening" and any other reactions or connections you may have. If you have time, discuss what you watched/read with your group. Your goal is to arrive at a deeper insight and prepare comments for tomorrow.

I will collect your notes. You should plan to draw upon your insights during our seminar, tomorrow.

Group 1: Women's Suffrage

Group 2: Betty Friedan and the "feminine mystique"

Group 3: Bell Hooks & Black Feminism

Group 4: Women and Work in Contemporary American

Group 5: The Crisis of Masculinity