Monday, November 30, 2015

Hamlet Act II (Socratic Seminar Prep)

Hi all -- Today you received back your Poetry Test and your Metaphysical Poetry Essay. Remember, if you earned less than a 90% on your essay you may rewrite!

We also took a quiz about Hamlet Act II.

Tomorrow you have a Socratic Seminar about Acts 1 & 2. You MUST complete THIS preparation work in order to participate. I can't wait to hear your insights!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hamlet Act II by Nov. 30th!

Hi all -- I'm sorry I had to miss yesterday. I hope everything worked out with your passage annotation, discussion and writing.

Just a quick reminder that over the break you are reading Hamlet Act II. Be ready for a short reading quiz on Monday, November 30th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Outside Reading Day 1 (Post-Discussion Work)

Today you completed part one of your Outside Reading work with your group.

TONIGHT: complete TEXT REFERENCE NOTES for your book and complete THIS google form questionnaire.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

REMINDER: Outside Reading

Grab some cocoa and a blanket and read, read, read! Your Outside Reading Book is due (completely read) by Monday!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tonight's reading

Tonight please read Hamlet Act I, scene iii & iv

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fantastic Poetry Projects!

I'm really enjoying these projects! Here are a few that really stand out for their artistry. I'll try to take more pictures.
"Paradise" by George Herbert
adorable personified tree :)

"Paradise" by George Herbert
beautiful illustration -- I love that the pruned branches are bleeding!

"Paradise" by George Herbert
This spiritual tree reflects all the seasons!

"Death Be Not Proud" by John Donne
My advice: get Katia's autograph now

"The Flea" by John Donne
Yes, this is a chocolate cake flea with two people joined in the body. Must. Not. Eat. Poetry. Project.


Today we began Hamlet! Tonight please read Act I, scene ii.

As we read we are tracking a few important motifs:

  • vengeance
  • loyalty
  • madness
  • duplicity/deceit

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bring Hamlet tomorrow!

We will begin Hamlet tomorrow! Please bring your copy.

Before class please read the short synopsis of the play (handout from class).

Monday, November 16, 2015

Poetry Test Tomorrow!

You have a poetry test tomorrow. Don't forget to study!

HERE is the study guide

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A quick note

Hi all. As I read some of your essay drafts I realize you need a primer on citation/plagiarism:

You are all clearly using Google and Wikipedia to find analysis of your poems. I really wish you wouldn't (you really have the tools to do this on your own), but since you are, you can’t pass off the information you find as your own. Rewording is not enough. Here are things you MUST cite:

  • biographical information about the poet
  • historical information about the poem
  • analytical ideas that are not your own -- this is intellectual property
    • EX: another writer’s analysis compares this poem to a passage from the Bible
      • you must cite the writer who explained this AND the passage from the Bible
    • EX: another writer’s analysis points out an allusion to something you didn’t see or understand on your own

NOTE: you CANNOT cite Wikipedia (it is not an “authoritative” source). You also can’t cite Sparknotes or Gradesaver or blogs. So really, you shouldn’t even bother looking there because then you will be in a pickle--these sites will give you information you want to use, but you can’t! Use scholarly essays through JSTOR or Google Scholar.

In a two page paper like this you don't need citations except for the poem--stay grounded in the text!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Outside Reading Due Date CHANGE

You must now have your Outside Reading book complete by November 23.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Outside Reading Book -- Checking In

Your Outside Reading book is due (completely read) next Tuesday (November 17th). Are you ready? Mrs. K would like to get a sense of where everyone is with this assignment, to see if some re-arrangements of the calendar is necessary. Please complete this form:

*This is anonymous and your response will NOT link to your name or email

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Metaphysical Poetry Project

We are just about finished working through our Metaphysical Poetry packet. Tomorrow we will finish our work on Andrew Vaughn's poem "The World."

We will then work on our poetry projects. HERE is the assignment handout.

You will choose one of our metaphysical poems and study it. You will do two things with this poem.

  1. you create an artistic representation of the poem, incorporating the text of the poem into your visual response
  2. you will write a short (2 page max) essay about this poem, connecting the important pieces of the poem to the thematic inquiry

Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday will be in-class workdays. Mrs. K will be available to meet and help. Both pieces of your project are DUE MONDAY, Nov. 19th.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Metaphysical Poetry

This week we are working with Metaphysical Poetry of the 17th Century. HERE is the poetry packet for the week.

HERE is the lecture you all had today about John Donne and metaphysical poetry.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Weekend Homework

This weekend we pivot to the Metaphysical poets. More on that definition next week. Your homework this weekend is to read and annotate the John Donne poem (Sonnet XIV, "Batter My Heart") and the short analysis of the poem by Camille Paglia. If you were absent, get a copy on Monday.

Get pumped! John Donne is a favorite!