Directions: As you read your assigned materials, take notes. Pull out 2-3 quotes from each source that you feel are essential for understanding that source. Write down connections to "The Awakening" and any other reactions or connections you may have. If you have time, discuss what you watched/read with your group. Your goal is to arrive at a deeper insight and prepare comments for tomorrow.
I will collect your notes. You should plan to draw upon your insights during our seminar, tomorrow.
Group 1: Women's Suffrage
- Overview of the suffrage movement
- Lucy Burns and American Women's Suffrage (video)
- Primary Sources from the Suffrage Movement -- carefully consider the images and what they communicate about the movement
- 7 Things You May Not Know About the Women's Suffrage Movement
Group 2: Betty Friedan and the "feminine mystique"
- Excerpt from Friedan's 1963 Feminine Mystique
- Read the Friedan excerpt (first three pages of the doc)
- Read Phyllis Schlafly's response to the women's movement (page 12)
- Read the very last page of the document ("The Equal Rights Amendment")
- Criticism of Friedan
Group 3: Bell Hooks & Black Feminism
- Excerpt from Shaping Feminist Theory (1984)
- Feminism is for Everybody (2000) -- Read the Introduction ("Come Closer to Feminism") and Chapter 1 ("Feminist Politics: Where We Stand")
Group 4: Women and Work in Contemporary American
- Sheryl Sandberg's TED Talk: "Why we have too few women leaders"
- The Problems of "Leaning In"
- Adela Baker's essay "The College Essay I Cannot Submit"
Group 5: The Crisis of Masculinity
- 19th Century Attempts to Assert Masculinity (beards!!!)
- "Why Traditional Manhood is Killing Us" by Mark Greene
- Male Identity Crisis