Friday, September 11, 2015

There is No Frigate Like a Book (annotation)

Today we briefly discussed Toni Morrison's essay, "The Reader as Artist."

We also work on annotating Emily Dickinson's poem, "There is no Frigate like a Book" (poem 1286). Here are our group annotations (sorry for the poor picture quality today):

6th Hour

5th Hour

We discussed the war connotations many of the words have, and also some of the subtext about travel and poverty. Most importantly (for our purposes) we discussed her assertion that books "bear the Human Soul." We thought this might be about the author's soul he or she pours into writing. It may also be about our souls--the books we read become our souls OR we put a piece of our souls in every book we read. What a responsibility! Like Larkin, Dickinson may be suggesting that good books are key (who wants bad books in their soul)?